Edison Group penned a brief festive message encapsulating ESG developments over the past few months. While the #cop26 summit in Glasgow may have been disappointing for some, there were several positive developments in the #esg world. For example president Biden ordered the US government to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, China is developing ‘sponge cities’ to prevent flooding and Britain mandated the installation of electric vehicle chargers in all new houses and buildings. There was even a Californian firm touting ‘mushroom leather’ as a ‘sustainability gamechanger’ and a proposal for old oil wells to be turned into CO2 burial test sites. An Edison analyst examined hydrogen’s key role in decarbonisation the energy system, while another showed how increased use of scrap steel can help reduce carbon emissions. But of course, for ESG to be effective, it depends on honesty and good disclosure, which is not always the case, as a PwC survey showed that two-thirds of investors didn’t think businesses were disclosing high-quality ESG information and 11 brands were called out for greenwashing in 2021. Edison concluded the message by showing how businesses can help make Christmas more sustainable.
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